'The Dewatering Experts'
Free Standing Units Mobile Units Skid Units Lagoon Cleaning Units
Wide range of flow Rates
Small Footprint
Easy to Operate
Proven Reliability
LOW OPEX (operational cost)
LOW CAPEX(capital cost)
(919) 437-2089
Solids Separation Technology
NRI (N.R. Innovations) is a multifaceted company that manufactures liquid-solids separation equipment for all industries. Our patented equipment is an innovative solution for dewatering. Combined with our advanced automation, NRI technology remains the simplest solution for dewatering.
Treatment Consulting
Dewatering is most often needed as a part of wastewater treatment and this is why NRI can help you understand, develop, implement and operate your treatment system
NRI has helped companies just like yours achieve and maintain their discharge requirements
-Phosphorus removal systems
-Nitrogen removal systems
-Solids capturing
-Traditional aeration systems

Traditional DAF (dissolved air floatation)
The DAF is an outdated solids removal system that can often times be costly to operate and maintain

NRI solution
NRI dewatering technology is simple to operate with low operational and capital expense
-BOD removal
-Ammonia reduction
-TKN reduction
-TSS removal
-FOG removal
If any of these are a nuisance for you we can help!
No matter how unique or challenging your situation is, you can count on us to find the right solution for you. Contact us today!